Defining Doreen South
Many, many, many years ago because of great suffering, I asked God our Creator, “Why me?” My heart was heavy as the tears streamed down my face. The answer was specific and concise, “It is because of these sufferings that you are able to be of service without judgement of the human condition.”.
No longer is there the question “Why?”. There is an understanding, that to be of service in any capacity, ego surrenders to compassion; forgiveness fosters wellness; nurturing identify requires an acceptance that cultivates self-love and awareness opens the paths of success.
Just as a seed grows from the dark depths of the earth, so too has the twilight of the past caused life to push into the light of purpose and service. The course of growth into community work (The Haldimand-Norfolk Coordinating Committee to End Violence against Women HNCC EVAW and the Haldimand-Norfolk District Health Council HNDHC 1995-2001). As a single mother now on social assistance (due to choosing to stay in a crumbling marriage that resulted giving up my lucrative employment), concluding in residing with my children in a women’s shelter and second stage facility and accepting social assistance as the life partner closed all access to our collective finances.
Glass ceilings were broken as the community person (single mother and on social assistance) to receive an Ontario Order of Council to be appointed to the HNDHC and to participate with and chair the HNCCEVAW. I am grateful to the advocates who saw past the stigmas of labels and opened the juncture for me to present and earn the support of government and agency personnel.
Many, many, many years later, an impressive list of accomplishments substantiate the victory of not only listening to the Diving Answer, “It is because of these sufferings that you are able to be of service without judgement of the human condition.” but also utilizing the life lessons with dignity and humility to facilitate achievements for myself and for others.
Doreen South, Achievement Facilitator, has a history of overcoming life challenges…making lemonade out of the lemons of life. Doreen South, Achievement Facilitator, is solution driven and community minded.
To request more information about Doreen South's services, please contact Doreen :
Tel: (289) 253 7772
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